Friday, July 30, 2010

I may look Bitchy but I'm actually Beachy :P

Skin: Mynerva ~Fudge~ Sweet Innocence
So you know I was just hanging around by the beach looking sweet and innocent aka hot, under an umbrella and I thought KODAK moment!!! So I just found this great new hair store 100L's for the hair and I'm being a super bitch about letting y'all know about it cause I am like MINE. But I love you guys so I'm telling you geesh. All I do is giiivvee give give,,,,,,um yeah. Anyways I love this outfit because it is something so comfortable and relaxed yet still has a sexy flare with the belly showing and wedge shoes. FYI I live at the beach and wearing shoes with cork bottom by the water is a good idea they float! Once again anyways haha I hope you love this look as much as I do cause I want to make you happy and all. kiss kiss xoxoxo

Avitar looks bitchier than they appear
Stop looking at my shoes, look at my butt!!!! PERV
My hands are trying to tell my face to smile awww

Shape: Bella Bella Shape made custom by Strumpet
Pants: [love.] Lady Jeans- Sheer Grey (coming soon to Rumor sim)
Cardigan: [Decoy] Izzie Cardigan Navy
Top: !Ohmai : Basics Thrash Tank [Chilli]
Piercing: [skream!] "delicate fangs"
Tattoo: *Etchd* Mudflap Girls
Shoes: *Kookie* Powder Puff 'Spikeys' (50L Friday)
*Sh33k Poses- WooHay
[CnS Supermodel Fashion Poses s1] Standing 001b
[LAP] CBaby Got Back Too